
08.01.2025, 13:00  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.17 und Zoom
Forschungsseminar Diskrete Spektraltheorie

Natural extensions of semigroup actions and applications to periodic approximations

Miguel Donoso Echenique (UC Chile)

Abstract: We review the property of periodic approximations (PA) for groups, and generalize some results to semigroups. In order to do this, we develop the tool of natural extensions, dealing with... 

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18.12.2024, 13:00  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.17 und Zoom
Forschungsseminar Diskrete Spektraltheorie

On nonlinear Dirichlet forms

Simon Puchert (Jena)

Abstract: The subject of nonlinear Dirichlet forms is rather new and as such, still has many simple open questions. In this talk, we will establish a new characterization that more closely resembles... 

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12.12.2024, 16:15  –  Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

First steps towards an equivariant Lorentzian index theorem

Lennart Ronge (UP)

This is a work-in-progress description on an unfinished approach to proving a Lorentzian version of the equivariant index theorem, which assigns an index to a Dirac operator in the presence of a group... 

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11.12.2024, 14:00 - 16:00  –  Campus Golm, Building 9, Room 2.22 and via Zoom

Decoupling non-causality from the quantum, coupling gravity to relativistic quantum matter

Rainer Verch (Leipzig), Hanno Gottschalk (TU Berlin)

14:00  Rainer Verch (Universität Leipzig):  Quantum non-causality in spacetime may be not exclusively quantum.
  Tea and Coffee Break
15:15  Hanno Gottschalk (TU Berlin):  How classical gravity... 

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06.12.2024, 10:00  –  Campus Golm, Building 9, Room 1.10 and via Zoom
Arbeitsgruppenseminar Analysis

From modular graph forms to iterated integrals (Part 3)

Emiel Claasen (MPI, Potsdam)

Modular Graph Forms (MGFs) are a class of modular forms represented by lattice sums associated to directed simple graphs. They originated from the calculation of graviton amplitudes in type II string... 

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06.12.2024, 11:00  –  Campus Golm, Building 9, Room 1.10 and via Zoom
Arbeitsgruppenseminar Analysis

Incomplete category of fibrant objects for higher derived shifted symplectic groupoids

Chenchang Zhu (Göttingen)

In this talk, based on many previous works, we will introduce a helpful new tool for differential geometers using:

• higher: to deal with quotient singularities
• derived: to heal transversality... 

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06.12.2024, 13:30  –  Campus Golm, Building 9, Room 1.22 and via Zoom
Arbeitsgruppenseminar Analysis

The geometry of rough paths

Felix Medwed (Potsdam)

Following Chapter 8 of the book "An introduction to infinite dimensional geometry" by Alexander Schmeding, I will discuss the (infinite-dimensional) geometric framework for rough paths and their... 

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05.12.2024, 16:15 Uhr  –  Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

The equivariant index theorem with boundary.

Lennart Ronge

Given a Dirac type operator on a manifold with boundary and a group action that preserves all relevant structures, one can define a generalized index for any group element. Analogous to the APS index... 

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04.12.2024, 13:30 - 14:45 (special session)  –  Campus Golm, Building 9, Room 2.22 and via Zoom

Mathematical probability: Why a game-theoretic approach?

Glenn Shafer (Rutgers Business School, Newark)

Most applications of mathematical probability rely, in one way or another, on theorems that give certain events high probability. Since the 1950s, mathematicians have largely agreed that these... 

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04.12.2024, 10:15 Uhr  –  Raum 2.22, Haus 9
Verteidigung Dissertation / PhD Defence

Statistical approaches to model reduction in systems pharmacology

Undine Falkenhagen

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29.11.2024, 12:15  –  Campus Golm, Building 9, Room 1.10
Forschungsseminar Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie

Research Seminar Probability Theory

Alexey Bufetov (Leipzig)

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28.11.2024, 12:15  –  Campus Golm, Building 9, Room 2.22
Verteidigung Masterarbeit / Master's Thesis Defence

Spectral Methods in Markov chain mixing


Spectral Methods in Markov chain mixing

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27.11. bis 29.11.2024  –  Campus "Am Neuen Palais" Building 8, Seminar room 0.58

QFT Workshop

Analytical methods in interplay with physics

A workshop to explore Asymptotics, Randomness and Noncommutativity

This three day workshop aims at fostering interactions between mathematicians who use... 

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27.11.2024, 13:00 Uhr  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.17 und Zoom
Forschungsseminar Diskrete Spektraltheorie

Uniqueness for the heat equation on infinite graphs

Giulia Meglioli (Bielefeld)

Abstract: The talk is concerned with uniqueness of solutions to a class of heat equations with positive density posed on infinite weighted graphs. We separately consider the case when the density is... 

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22.11.2024, 11:00  –  Campus Golm, Building 9, Room 2.22 and via Zoom
Arbeitsgruppenseminar Analysis

Matched pairs, post-Hopf algebras and the quantum Yang-Baxter equation

Yunan Li (Guangzhong, China) (online)

Recently, Ferri and Sciandra introduced two equivalent notions, matched pair of actions on a Hopf algebra and Yetter-Drinfeld brace. Any of these objects actually provides a solution of the quantum... 

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