General Information

The Institute of Mathematics offers a broad scientific diversity with the possibility for dissertations in current research areas of pure and applied mathematics.  You can find out about the current research interests on the websites of the individual research groups.

If you have just arrived at Potsam and need any further assistance, do not hesitate to contact the welcome center of Potsdam University.

For help and information as well as workshops and events tailored to doctoral students go to the web page of the Potsdam Graduate School.

Extensive information on doctoral studies in general as well as the current doctoral regulations (note that only the German version is legally binding) can be found on the website of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Potsdam.

New here?

If you recently started your Ph.D. at our Institute, please do the following:

  • Add yourself to our PhD student mathe-phd-mailing list  To do so, please send an email to our IT-staff (Mr. Grabs or Mr. Gustavs)
  • Join us for activities. (Infos are spread over the mailing list.)
  • Participate in our monthly PhD seminar! Find out what other PhD students are working on or give a talk yourself! 

Mentoring and Assistance

The Good Scientific Practice Panel of the Faculty of Sciences provides support in conflict situations that may arise in doctoral studies. The panel representatives can be contacted when conflicts with supervisors and mentors do not come to an agreement and further assistance is required.

If you require mental health counseling, please contact the mental health counseling service. Services are available in german and english. 

The University of Potsdam also provides advisory services for students with disabilities, children, international students and more. You can find a list here. Diversity and anti-discrimination services can be found here.

Potsdam SIAM Student Chapter

We are proud to have a SIAM Student Chapter in Potsdam! 

Have a look at our website to learn what the benefits of the chapter are and how to become a member!

Please register also for our SIAM Student Chapter mailing list!

If you have any questions feel free to ask the PhD representatives Franziska and Florian.

SIAM chapter seminar: Get to know what your fellow Ph.D students are working on!

Time : last Wednesday of each month at 16:00.

Details: to be found on the SIAM chapter website and in the announcement email via the SIAM Student Chapter mailing list and the mathe-phd mailing list.

Regulation for Doctoral Studies

The current doctoral regulations of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and further information on doctoral studies can be found here.

Cumulative Dissertations: You can download the current regulations of the Institute of Mathematics concerning cumulative dissertations  here (German and English version).

Ph.D. Representatives

The current Ph.D. representatives are Franziska Thoma and Hans Reimann.

 What do we do?

  • Come to us with any questions, concerns or problems regarding your PhD studies.
  • We organize the regular SIAM chapter seminar for PhD students.
  • We take care of the SIAM Student Chapter.

If you are interested in our events, or if you want to organize one yourself, get on our mailing list "mathe-phd mailing list"and/or contact us.