10.01.2025, 11:00
– Campus Golm, Building 9, Room 2.22 and via Zoom
Arbeitsgruppenseminar Analysis
Exploring quantum fields on rotating black holes
Christiane Klein (York University, UK)
Ester Mariucci
14:15-15:45 in Room
16:15-17:45 in Room
Part 2: Statistics for jump processes
In the second part of the mini course, we will discuss how to estimate the Lévy measure from discrete observations of a trajectory of a Lévy process. At first, we will use the Lévy-Itô decomposition to estimate the jump part of the process in a high frequency regime, i.e. when the distance in time between the n given observations vanishes as n grows. Then, we will investigate the low frequency regime, i.e. when the trajectory of the process is sampled at a fixed rate, and estimate the Lévy measure by using a spectral approach based on the Lévy-Khintchine formula.
The flyer with the short course description can be found here.