Peter Nejjar

About me

Since January 2023, I am a Tenure-Track Juniorprofessor for probability theory at Potsdam University.

I'm interested in  questions of universality in stochastics, for example  why do the same distributions appear in very different contexts, such as random matrices and random growth models? These questions are related to combinatorics, mathematical physics, as well as numerics and algebra.  I am equally interested in the mixing behavior of Markov chains, in particular the cutoff phenomenon.



Research papers:

1. Anomalous shock fluctuations in TASEP and last passage percolation models, with Patrik Ferrari,    

    Probability Theory and Related Fields,  61, 2015, 61 -109,  arXiv-preprint

2. Shock Fluctuations in flat TASEP under critical scaling, with Patrik Ferrari,  

    Journal of Statistical Physics, 160, 2015, 985-1004, arXiv-preprint

3. Fluctuations of the competition interface in presence of shocks, with Patrik Ferrari

     ALEA, Latin Am. J. Probab. Math. Stat., 14, 2017, 299-325, arxiv preprint

4. The free boundary Schur process and applications, with Dan Betea, Jérémie Bouttier and Mirjana Vuletić

    Séminaire Lotharingien Combinatoire, 78.B44, 2017, arxiv-preprint

5. Limit Law of a second class particle in TASEP with non-random initial data, with Patrik Ferrari and Promit Ghosal

   Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré (B), 55 No.3, 2019, 1203-1225,  arxiv preprint

 6. The free boundary Schur process I, with Dan Betea, Jérémie Bouttier and Mirjana Vuletić

   Annales Henri Poincaré,   19 No. 12, 2018, 3663–3742, arxiv preprint

7. Transition to Shocks in TASEP and Decoupling of Last Passage Times,

   ALEA, Latin Am. J. Probab. Math. Stat., 15 No. 2, 2018, 1311-1334,  arxiv preprint

8. New edge asymptotics of skew Young diagrams via free boundaries, with Dan Betea, Jérémie Bouttier and Mirjana Vuletić

   Séminaire Lotharingien Combinatoire,  82B,  2020,   arxiv-preprint

9. Statistics of TASEP with three merging characteristics, with Patrik Ferrari

 Journal of statistical Physics, online first, 180, 398-413, 2020,  arxiv-preprint

10. GUE x GUE limit law at hard shocks in ASEP,

Annals of Applied Probability, 31(1), 321-350, 2021, arxiv-preprint

11. KPZ statistics of second class particles in ASEP via mixing,

 Communications in Mathematical Physics, 378(1), 601-623, 2020, online first e-pdf, arxiv-preprint

12. Dynamical Phase Transition of ASEP in the KPZ regime,

 Electronic Journal of Probability,  26, 1-20, 2021, arxiv-preprint,

13. Cutoff profile of ASEP on a segment, with Alexey Bufetov

  Probability Theory and related Fields, 183, pages 229–253, 2022,  arxiv-preprint

14. The second class particle process at shocks, with Patrik Ferrari

Stochastic processes and Applications, 170,  arxiv preprint,  2023


I gave an online  talk on the paper 12.  The video is available on youtube:

I also gave a short (nine minutes) talk on the paper 13. The video is again available on youtube:

Here you can find some (older)  slides about shock fluctuations in TASEP, et voici une version courte  en français.



Im WS 23, biete ich ein Blockseminar  "Mathematik und Zaubern "  basierend auf dem Buch von E. Behrends an.

Ein vorbereitendes Zoom Meeting findet am 3.11 um 15 Uhr statt :

Kenncode: 1262942acht (ersetze acht durch 8)







In the summer semester 2023, I teach a class on the math of card shuffling and integrable probability.

You can find additional information  on  moodle .

Dr. Peter Nejjar


+49 331 977-1383