07.02.2025, 10:00
– Campus Golm, Building 9, Room 2.22 and via Zoom
Arbeitsgruppenseminar Analysis
The geometry of rough paths 2 - A dive into Carnot groups, Part 3
Felix Medwed (Potsdam)
Welcome on the webpage of the group on Mathematical Statistics and Machine Learning. Prof. Alexandra Carpentier is the head of the group and Winnie Enders administrates it.
You can find below more informations on our group, and its research and teaching activities.
Our team is composed of several researchers, working on the areas of statistics and machine learning. Read more about the group members.
Our research topics encompass mainly high dimensional inference and sequential learning. Read more about our research interests and projects.
Read more on our research in our publications and preprints.
We participate to, and organise, seminars and events, to which you are very welcome to join.
Our group takes an active part in the teaching program of the Institute of Mathematics, University Potsdam.
We are part of several third-party funded projects. We list them here.
Alexandra Carpentier is an Emmy Noether research group leader for the project MuSyAD (CA 1488/1-1), funded by the Deutsche Foschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation). Our group is also funded by the DFG on the GK 2297 MathCoRe on “Mathematical Complexity Reduction" – 314838170, GRK 2297 MathCoRe, and by the SFB 1294 Data Assimilation “Data Assimilation — The seamless integration of data and models", Project A03, by the DFG on the GRK 2433 DAEDALUS, by the DFG on the Research Unit FOR 5381"Mathematical Statistics in the Information Age - Statistical Efficiency and Computational Tractability", by the DFG on the French-German PRCI ANR ASCAI CA 1488/4-1 "Aktive und Batch-Segmentierung, Clustering und Seriation: Grundlagen der KI", and by the UFA-DFH through the French-German Doktorandenkolleg CDFA 01-18 and by the SFI Sachsen-Anhalt for the project RE-BCI. Alexandra Carpentier is also grateful to the DFG for the von Kaven Ehrenpreis 2020.