In this series of interviews, colleagues who experienced the Wende at German universities or research institutes, or were hired shortly afterwards, talk about their experiences. The first interviews were conducted by Sylvie Paycha in early 2018 with colleagues at the Institute of Mathematics at the University of Potsdam. Further interviews with natural scientists at the University of Potsdam were conducted by Elke Rosenberger in early 2019. Together, Elke Rosenberger and Sylvie Paycha started interviewing several colleagues in different research areas working at universities and research institutes in Berlin and other German cities in 2020. The project is on going.
We would like to thank the University of Potsdam, the German Mathematicians Association and Math+ Berlin Mathematics Research Center for their financial support.
(Picture Source: modifizied version of a picture from Wikimedia Commons)
Witnesses of Reunification at the Mathematical Institute in Potsdam
Dr. Elke Rosenberger and Dr. Andreas Braunß
Dr. Wolfgang Schöbel
Apl. Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Vogel and PD Dr. Jörg Koppitz
Apl. Prof. Dr. Hannelore Liero and Prof. Dr. Henning Läuter
Dr. Horst Wendland and Dr. Wolfgang Schöbel
Prof. Dr. Bert-Wolfgang Schulze
Dr. Reinhard Bölling
Interviews with natural scientists in Potsdam
Apl. Prof. Dr. Gabriele Saupe
HD Dr. Werner Neumann
Prof. Dr. Ludwig Brehmer
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Regenstein
Dr. Reinhard Tiebel
Interviews with mathematicians at other universities
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Pfister
Prof. Dr. Jochen Brüning
Prof. Dr. Michael Rapoport
Prof. Dr. Klaus Altmann and Prof. Dr. Lutz Hille
Prof. Dr. Roswitha März
Prof. Dr. Albrecht Pietsch (Statute of the Friedrich Schiller Universität Jena)
Hannelore Bernhardt
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Eichhorn
Prof. Dr. Günter Törner
Prof. Dr. Dietrich Stoyan
Prof. Dr. Helmut Koch
PD Dr. Gudrun Thäter
Interviews with scientists at other institutions
Prof. Dr. Annette Vogt
Prof. Dr. Sonja Brentjes
Prof. Dr. Brigitte Sändig
Prof. Dr. Hubert Laitko
Prof. Dr. Thomas Kuczynski
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Küttler
Dr. Herbert Wöltge
Prof. Dr. Dorothee Röseberg
Prof. Dr. Gerda Haßler
Prof. Dr. Hermann Klenner
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Banse and Dr. Horst Büttner
Prof. Dr. Christa Luft
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Siegmund-Schultze
Dr. Reinhard Stark
Dr. Heike Vocke
Interview booklet (German):
Here you have access to the transkripts of 22 interviews in German. We are working on the English translations.
Transkript Part 1
Transkript Part 2