Chair of Probability Theory


Welcome to the website of the group for probability theory!

The group is currently headed by Jun.-Prof. Peter Nejjarand represented by Dr. Tetiana Kosenkovaand Dr. Peter Keller Prof. Dr. Christine Böckmann, Emerita from the research area of ​​Nonlinear ill-posed inverse problems, as well as her doctoral studentUpeksha Pereraare also part of the group.The secretariat is represented by Ms. Antje Schulze.

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[Translate to English:] Lehre/ Teaching

[Translate to English:]

Unsere Arbeitsgruppe beteiligt sich aktiv am vielfältigen Lehrprogramm des Instituts für Mathematik der Universität Potsdam. Über das neuerschiene Übungsbuch zur Stochastik können Sie hier mehr erfahren.