Next Seminars

SIAM Chapter Seminar - July 2024

Open to all early career researchers. Get to know what your fellow Ph.D. students are working on!
Time: 31.07.2024 at 4:00 pm
Place: Room 2.22 in house 9.

Details are announced via mailing list "SIAM-chapter-list", or ask Franziska or Martin.

Speaker: Joanna Zou (MIT)
Title: Path-space error bounds for the statistical learning of stochastic differential equations
In physical systems whose equation of motion takes the form of a stochastic differential equation (SDE), the drift function of the SDE often involves expensive calculations which render numerical simulation to be cost-prohibitive. The goal in surrogate modeling for SDEs is to learn an approximate drift function such that the surrogate process replicates observable quantities of interest of the system, such as statistics over measures of the stochastic process, at a fraction of the cost. This work examines the use of variational bounds to define loss functions in the statistical learning of SDE models which provide error guarantees in transient and long-time statistics. In particular, we show that error in path-based observables are upper bounded by a term which depends on the variance of the observable quantity and pathwise Kullback-Leibler divergence. We show this bound is computable using Girsanov’s theorem and relate it to information metrics such as the relative entropy rate (RER) and pathwise Fisher information. We discuss directions for using the bound to derive an appropriate weighted norm in the training loss function for learning the surrogate SDE.

Past Seminars

SIAM Chapter Seminar - June 2024

Please note that the seminar takes place on the 19.06. instead of 26.06.!
Open to all early career researchers. Get to know what your fellow Ph.D. students are working on!
Time: 19.06.2024 at 4:00 pm
Place: Room 1.22 in house 9.

Details are announced via mailing list "SIAM-chapter-list", or ask Franziska or Martin.

Speaker: Luci Fumagalli
Topic:  Sequential Monte Carlo squared to simultaneous localize and map autonomous vehicles
The Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM) problem arises in autonomous driving when a vehicle has no direct information about its surroundings. In this situation, the vehicle has to autonomously create a representation of its environment (Mapping) and locate itself (Localization) in order to be able to navigate, which we refer to as the SLAM problem.
In this talk, we rephrase the SLAM problem as a filtering problem and explore a probabilistic algorithmic solution, the Sequential Monte Carlo Squared (SMC2) filter. The SMC2 filter uses observations from the vehicle's sensors to find the solution to the SLAM problem. We will also sketch the mathematical justification for why the SMC2 filter works.

SIAM Chapter Seminar - May 2024

Please note that the seminar takes place on the 22.05. instead of 29.05.!

Open to all early career researchers. Get to know what your fellow Ph.D students are working on!

Time: 22.05.2024 at 4:00 pm

Place: Room 1.22 in house 9

Details are announced via mailing list "SIAM-chapter-list", or ask Franziska or Martin.


Speaker: Erik Kalz

Topic: The subtle Nature of Interactions in Odd-Diffusive Systems


Odd systems exhibit unusual and novel behavior with no counterpart in normal systems. They are characterized by transverse responses to perturbations. Classical examples would be the Hall effect in conductors and the Magnus effect in fluids. Therefore, in recent years, the physics community has developed an interest in odd physics which arises in the continuous descriptions of matter, such as odd viscosity, odd elasticity, or odd diffusion. Specifically odd-diffusive systems, which, for example, are realized in Brownian systems under Lorentz force, active chiral particles, or diffusing skyrmions are of special interest to us. Particle interactions in these systems result in novel diffusive behavior, the most surprising of which is that collisions enhance the self-diffusion rather than decreasing it. The origin of such a counterintuitive behavior can be traced back to the unusual, non-Hermitian dynamics in odd systems, which are encoded in correlation tensors with non-zero off-diagonal elements, even though the systems are isotropic.

SIAM Chapter Seminar - February 2024

Open to all early career researchers. Get to know what your fellow Ph.D students are working on!

Time: 28.02.2024 at 4:00 pm

Place: (Attention: Change of location!) 

Details are announced via mailing list "SIAM-chapter-list", or ask Franziska or Hans.

ATTENTION: This time we have two great speakers working on related fields!
Seminar Title: The Mysterious Motility of Microorganisms


First Presentation

Speaker: Agniva Datta

Topic: The mysterious motion of swimming bacteria: a bridge connecting biology and non-equilibrium physics


From the mesmerizing patterns formed by flocking birds to the remarkable ability of lizards to regenerate their tails, the intricate phenomena observed in living systems at different length scales beckon physicists to unravel their mysteries. These captivating puzzles often find their answers at the interface of nonlinear dynamics and non-equilibrium statistical mechanics. Not only do these solutions shed light on the underlying biology, but they also unveil previously uncharted territories within the black-box of physics far from equilibrium.
In this presentation, I will delve into a case study from my doctoral research: the motion of swimming bacteria. Our study incorporates a combination of experimental analysis utilizing the soil bacterium
Pseudomonas putida and active particle modeling. Specifically, we investigate how the disordered environment (agar) guides the migration patterns of these bacteria, resulting in remarkable motility characteristics like ergodicity breaking. In contrast to E. coli, our research reveals the transient sub-diffusion of bacteria in agar, primarily attributed to intermittent trapping. These findings underscore a dynamic run-and-trap mechanism, with trap times following a power-law distribution. I will discuss the implications of these findings and establish an intricate correlation between the micro-scale navigation of bacteria and their largescale movement in diverse and heterogeneous environments.


Second Presentation

Speaker: Jan Albrecht

Topic: Bayesian Parameter Inference for Biological Tracking Data


In order to understand and predict the motion patterns of microorganisms, robust methods to infer motility models from time discrete experimental data are required. Due to the internal complexity of the organisms and the ensuing quasi-random motion, stochastic models like SDEs are well suited to describe their movements.
Bayesian statistical methods provide a way to efficiently extract information from the trajectory data and provide model parameter estimates together with a measure of uncertainty.
We showcase that Bayesian methods are especially well suited when the models contain additional layers of stochasticity, for example population heterogeneity or temporal dependence of parameters. Furthermore, we demonstrate how challenges that arise when multidimensional dynamics is only partially observed, e.g. second order dynamics, can be addressed.

SIAM Chapter Pub Crawl - 09.02.

Fellow SIAM Student Chapter Appreciators and Frequent Guests,

To better get to know our neighbour SIAM chapters in Berlin, discuss shared experiences about studying Mathematics and exchange cool insights about research and organisation in other SFBs, we are happy to invite you to our first shared event:

The Metropolregion Potsdam-Berlin Siam Student Chapter Pub Crawl @ Friedrichshagen (approx. Boxhagener Platz).

The MPBSSCPC@F-hain, for short, will take place on 09.02.2024 starting at Train Station Berlin Ostkreuz (or Ost-X as it is known to regionals) at 6pm. We are planning on having a great time with reasonable cheap drinks, delicious food from all over the area and good company.

But there is more! With some financial support from the SIAM-Chapter treasury, we have some budget for limited free drinks!

To end with our University of Potsdam SIAM Student Chapter President's famous goodbye:

You all look very good today! Have a nice day, bye!

Your SIAM chapter officers,

Giuseppe, Josie, Hans and Franzi

SIAM Chapter Seminar - October 2023

Get to know what your fellow Ph.D students are working on!

Time: 25.10.2023 at 4:00 pm

Place: Details are announced via mailing list "SIAM-chapter-list", or ask Franziska or Hans.

Speaker: Maximilian Kloppe

Topic: A Phase-Field Model of Elastic Surfaces in Flow


The small thickness of membranes, shells and capsules enables their efficient approximation as hyper-surfaces. Phase-field modeling provides a versatile tool to capture the motion of such elastic hyper-surfaces in fluid flow under bending and surface tension forces. However, the in-plane stretching of the surface has been widely neglected or approximated by inextensibility of the material.

In this talk, we develop a novel phase-field model for elastic hyper-surfaces in Navier–Stokes fluids, which includes bending, tension, and in-plane stretching. The model is based on a coupling of a phase-field model for two-phase flow to a fully Eulerian description of the surface deformation tensor. We apply the method to microfluidic experiments on lipid vesicles and illustrate how the results can be used to better understand the mechanical properties of cell membranes.

SIAM Chapter Seminar - September 2023

Get to know what your fellow Ph.D students are working on!

Time: 27.09.2023 at 4:00 pm

Place: Details are announced via mailing list "SIAM-chapter-list", or ask Franziska or Hans.

Speaker: Paula Pirker Diaz

Topic: Self-regulation of a network of Kuramoto oscillators (Complexity Science and Complex Systems Theory)

Abstract: Persistent global synchronization of a neuronal network is considered a pathological, undesired state, and it is often caused by the loss of neurons or their regulatory agents, e.g. glial cells. 
Considering a brain-like network characterized by a modular organization combined with a dynamic description of the nodes as Kuramoto oscillators, we have applied a self-regulation mechanism to keep local synchronization while avoiding global synchronization at the same time. In this talk, I am going to explain our model and the results obtained, which show that the desired state is achievable despite the simplicity of the approximation.

General Information

Potsdam SIAM Student Chapter

We are happy to announce that we founded a SIAM Student Chapter in Potsdam in February 2021. See here for general information about SIAM student chapters.

The Student Chapter is an association of students at the University of Potsdam.

What are the benefits of being organised as a SIAM Student Chapter?

  • student members of the Chapter can get free SIAM membership
  • networking and collaboration opportunities with other Chapters
  • funded participation in SIAM Annual Meetings
  • funding for local activities like lunch discussions or lectures by guest speakers

Who can become a member?

  • the chapter is open to everyone who is interested
  • we especially encourage Master's students and PhD students to join

How to become a member?

  • subscribe to our mailing list here: subscribe to our mailing list here or join one of our meetings
  • there are no costs or duties for members.

General information:

  • President: Franziska
  • Vice-President: Martin
  • Treasurer: Giuseppe
  • Secretary: Paula
  • EMail addresse: siamchapter[at]uni-potsdam[dot]de
  • You want to stay up to date? Then subscribe to our mailing list here.

If you have any questions feel free to ask the PhD representatives Franzi and Martin. The faculty advisor of this Chapter is Prof. Dr. Melina Freitag.

Previous Highlights


Can you summarize the content of your research in 3 minutes? Can you do it in an entertaining way? Then our SIAM Slam might be for you!

As a joint initiative of our SIAM Chapter and the SIAM Chapters of Aachen, Heidelberg and Magdeburg, we would like to invite you to SIAM Slam. There, different participants will present their theses or other scientific findings in a very short amount of time. The audience will choose the most entertaining and informative presentation.

The event will take place via zoom on the 10th of June at 18:00. Feel free to ask Florian for the login data.

Each participant will have exactly 3 minutes for their presentation. A slideshow is allowed, however, we advise reducing the number of slides. There will be a prize for the best presentation.

If you just want to be a spectator, you are welcome to join as well. Then, no registration is needed. In the second part of the event, we will run a short quiz based on the presentations. Here, the winner will also get a small prize. We plan to close the event with an opportunity to together play games online.

If you always wanted to try your hand at being a science communicator, this is your time. Who knows, maybe you are the next Richard Feynman or Stephen Hawking? :)