06.11.2024, 14:00 - 16:00
– Campus Golm, Building 9, Room 2.22 and via Zoom
Graphon Models for Inhomogeneous Random Graphs
Olga Klopp (Paris), Nicolas Verzelen (Montpellier)
Prof. Dr. Julie Rowlett (TU Chalmers, Schweden)
Have you heard the question "Can one hear the shape of a drum?" Do you know the answer? In 1966, M. Kac's article of the same title popularized the inverse isospectral problem for planar domains. Twenty-six years later, Gordon, Webb, and Wolpert demonstrated the answer, but many naturally related problems remain open today. I will discuss mathematical advances inspired by "hearing the shape of a drum.
Aufgrund der eingeschränkten Präsenzteilnehmerzahl werden die Vorträge auch über ZOOM übertragen. Meeting ID: 688 8195 4772
Für Passcode bitte Sylke Pfeiffer (sypfeiffer@uni-potsdam.de) kontaktieren.