10.01.2025, 11:00
– Campus Golm, Building 9, Room 2.22 and via Zoom
Arbeitsgruppenseminar Analysis
Exploring quantum fields on rotating black holes
Christiane Klein (York University, UK)
A journey through the sciences with female PhD students
For this third edition (this time online) at the University of Potsdam of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2021 seven female PhD students of the Faculty of Science and the Digital Engineering Faculty will take us on a journey through their discipline and career, might it be chemistry, data science, environmental science, mathematics or nutritional science. They will provide an insight into their research work in the form of 10-minute presentations in either English or German.
A panel discussion will follow to share experiences of young women in the natural sciences and confront them with those of senior female scientists.
Zoom Video Conference: Access information for University members to be found here,
or in anncoucement by Email or by request from elke.rosenberger@uni-potsdam.de and joerg.enders@uni-potsdam.de.
2 pm Opening and Presentations
- Welcome address by Prof. Oliver Günther, Ph.D. (President of the University of Potsdam)
- Marta Lemanczyk (Data Science): Identifizierung von Interaktionen in genomischen Sequenzen durch künstliche neuronale Netze
- Lisa Luna (Environmental Science): Today's forecast: rainy with a 40% chance of landslides
- Undine Falkenhagen (Mathematics): Using mathematical modelling and model reduction to understand individual drug response
- Viktoria Klara Wandt (Nutritional Science): Spurenelemente und Altern: Einfluss auf die genomische Stabilität
3.10 pm Break
3.25 pm Presentations
- Sany Chea (Chemistry): Zucker zur Behandlung von COVID-19
- Elisabeth Schönfeldt (Geoscience): Fließen, Flutschen, Fallen - Warum sich Hänge bewegen
- Alyna Lange (Chemistry): Ionic Liquid based 3D printable Electrolytes for Energy Applications
4 pm Discussion
- Introductory talk by Tanja Mutschler (Physics)
- Panel discussion with audience and scientists: PhD, a gateway to science – joys and obstacles (with Prof. Dr. Janet Anders (Physics), Prof. Dr. Myfanwy Evans (Mathematics), Prof. Dr. Henrike Müller-Werkmeister (Chemie), Undine Falkenhagen (Mathematics), Alyna Lange (Chemistry), Lisa Luna (Environmental Science))
Link to the abstracts of all presentations
We are looking forward to all interested parties and stimulating discussions! Registration is not required..
In particular, we are inviting school students (potentially as a whole group with their teachers). Upon timely request via Email to joerg.enders@uni-potsdam.de, we can offer an introduction to different fields of study in the natural sciences at the University of Potsdam.
Organized by Dr. Jörg Enders, Prof. Dr. Sylvie Paycha and Dr. Elke Rosenberger with the support of the Faculty of Science, the Digital Engineering Faculty and the Coordination Office for Equal Opportunities of the University of Potsdam.