Prof. Dr. Matthias Keller


+49 331 977-2259
+49 331 977-2899


nach Vereinbarung


Research interests and Preprints

Research interests

  • Dirichlet forms and unbounded operators on graphs
  • Functional inequalities for Schrödinger operators on graphs
  • Spectral and geometric properties of non-positively curved graphs
  • Spectral theory of random Schrödinger operators

Scientific Output

@ googlescholar, mathscinet


Graphs and Discrete Dirichlet Spaces
Matthias Keller, Daniel Lenz, Radoslaw Wojciechowski
Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften, 358, Springer, 2021
Preprint version, Wu Edition

Analysis and Geometry on Graphs and Manifolds
Edited by Matthias Keller, Daniel Lenz, Radoslaw Wojciechowski

London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series,  Cambridge University Press, 461, 2020


Gaussian upper bounds for heat kernels on graphs with unbounded geometry (with Chrisitan Rose)

Optimal Hardy Inequality for Fractional Laplacians on the Integers (with Marius Nietschmann)

Sobolev-Type Inequalities and Eigenvalue Growth on Graphs mit Finite Measure (with Bobo Hua,  Michael Schwarz, Melchior Wirth)

Gradient estimates, Bakry-Emery Ricci curvature and ellipticity for unbounded graph Laplacians (with Florentin Münch)

An Improved Discrete p-Hardy Inequality, (with Florian Fischer, Felix Pogorzelski),

Asymptotic expansion of the annealed Green's function and its derivatives (with Marius Lemm)

Agmon estimates for Schrödinger operators on graphs, (with Felix Pogorzelski)

Eigenvalue asymptotics and unique continuation of eigenfunctions on planar graphs, (with Michel Bonnefont, Sylvain Golenia)

On optimal Hardy weights for the Euclidean lattice (with Marius Lemm)

On Lp Liouville theorems for Dirichlet forms, (with Bobo Hua, Daniel Lenz, Marcel Schmidt)

Habilitation thesis

"On the geometry and analysis of graphs"

PhD thesis

"On the spectral theory of operators on trees"
or at here

Diploma thesis

"Produkte zufälliger Matrizen und der Lyapunov-Exponent"

Extended abstracts and lecture notes

 Workshop: Geometry, Dynamics and Spectrum of Operators on Discrete Spaces (online meeting), Oberwolfach Report No. 2/2021

 Mini-Workshop: Recent Progress in Path Integration on Graphs and Manifolds, Oberwolfach Report Report No.  16/2019.

On Cheeger's inequality for graphs, Oberwolfach Report No. 7/2015, February 2015.

An overview of curvature bounds and spectral theory of planar tessellations, Proceedings of the CIRM Meeting, 3 nr 1, Discrete Curvature; theory and applications, 2013.

Absolutely continuous spectrum on trees-random potentials, randomhopping and Galton-Watson trees, Oberwolfach Report No. 50/2011, October 2011.

"Curvature and spectrum on graphs" Oberwolfach Report No. 02/2012, January 2012.

"Applications of operator theory - Discrete Operators" SS 2012.

"A minicourse on the L^p spectrum of graphs", Bizerte, Tunesia, March 2014.


2021 | Graphs and Discrete Dirichlet Spaces | Matthias Keller, Daniel Lenz, Radoslaw WojciechowskiReihe: Grundlehren der mathematischen WissenschaftenVerlag: SpringerSeiten: 668Band: 358Link zur Publikation , Link zum Preprint

Graphs and Discrete Dirichlet Spaces

Autoren: Matthias Keller, Daniel Lenz, Radoslaw Wojciechowski (2021)

The spectral geometry of infinite graphs deals with three major themes and their interplay: the spectral theory of the Laplacian, the geometry of the underlying graph, and the heat flow with its probabilistic aspects. In this book, all three themes are brought together coherently under the perspective of Dirichlet forms, providing a powerful and unified approach.

The book gives a complete account of key topics of infinite graphs, such as essential self-adjointness, Markov uniqueness, spectral estimates, recurrence, and stochastic completeness. A major feature of the book is the use of intrinsic metrics to capture the geometry of graphs. As for manifolds, Dirichlet forms in the graph setting offer a structural understanding of the interaction between spectral theory, geometry and probability. For graphs, however, the presentation is much more accessible and inviting thanks to the discreteness of the underlying space, laying bare the main concepts while preserving the deep insights of the manifold case.

Graphs and Discrete Dirichlet Spaces offers a comprehensive treatment of the spectral geometry of graphs, from the very basics to deep and thorough explorations of advanced topics. With modest prerequisites, the book can serve as a basis for a number of topics courses, starting at the undergraduate level.


Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften

2021 | Riesz Decompositions for Schrödinger Operators on Graphs | Florian Fischer, Matthias KellerZeitschrift: Journal of Mathematical Analysis and ApplicationsSeiten: 22 pp.Band: 495Link zur Publikation , Link zum Preprint

Riesz Decompositions for Schrödinger Operators on Graphs

Autoren: Florian Fischer, Matthias Keller (2021)

We study superharmonic functions for Schrödinger operators on general weighted graphs. Specifically, we prove two decompositions which both go under the name Riesz decomposition in the literature. The first one decomposes a superharmonic function into a harmonic and a potential part. The second one decomposes a superharmonic function into a sum of superharmonic functions with certain upper bounds given by prescribed superharmonic functions. As application we show a Brelot type theorem.

Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
22 pp.

2020 | From Hardy to Rellich inequalities on graphs | Matthias Keller, Yehuda Pinchover, Felix PogorzelskiZeitschrift: Proceedings of the London Mathematical SocietySeiten: 458-477Band: 122Link zur Publikation , Link zum Preprint

From Hardy to Rellich inequalities on graphs

Autoren: Matthias Keller, Yehuda Pinchover, Felix Pogorzelski (2020)

We show how to deduce Rellich inequalities from Hardy inequalities on infinite graphs. Specifically, the obtained Rellich inequality gives an upper bound on a function by the Laplacian of the function in terms of weighted norms. These weights involve the Hardy weight and a function which satisfies an eikonal inequality. The results are proven first for Laplacians and are extended to Schrödinger operators afterwards.

Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society

2020 | Feynman path integrals for magnetic Schrödinger operators on infinite weighted graphs | Batu Güneysu, Matthias KellerZeitschrift: Journal d'Analyse MathematiqueVerlag: SpringerLink zur Publikation , Link zum Preprint

Feynman path integrals for magnetic Schrödinger operators on infinite weighted graphs

Autoren: Batu Güneysu, Matthias Keller (2020)

We prove a Feynman path integral formula for the unitary group exp(itLv,θ), t0, associated with a discrete magnetic Schrödinger operator Lv,θ on a large class of weighted infinite graphs. As a consequence, we get a new Kato-Simon estimate


which controls the unitary group uniformly in the potentials in terms of a Schrödinger semigroup, where the potential deg is the weighted degree function of the graph.

Journal d'Analyse Mathematique

2020 | Critical Hardy Inequalities on Manifolds and Graphs | Matthias Keller, Yehuda Pinchover, Felix PogorzelskiReihe: London Mathematical Society Lecture Note SeriesVerlag: Cambridge University PressBuchtitel: Analysis and Geometry on Graphs and ManifoldsSeiten: 172-202Band: 461Link zur Publikation

Critical Hardy Inequalities on Manifolds and Graphs

Autoren: Matthias Keller, Yehuda Pinchover, Felix Pogorzelski (2020)

In this expository article we give an overview of recent developments in the study of optimal Hardy-type inequality in the continuum and in the discrete setting. In particular, we present the technique of the supersolution construction that yield “as large as possibleȍ Hardy weights which is made precise in terms of the notion of criticality. Instead of presenting the most general setting possible, we restrict ourselves to the case of the Laplacian on smooth manifolds and bounded combinatorial graphs. Although the results hold in far greater generality, the fundamental phenomena as well as the core ideas of the proofs become especially clear in these basic settings.

London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series
Cambridge University Press
Analysis and Geometry on Graphs and Manifolds

2020 | Analysis and Geometry on Graphs and Manifolds | Matthias Keller, Daniel Lenz, Radoslaw WojciechowskiReihe: London Mathematical Society Lecture Note SeriesVerlag: Cambridge University PressBand: 461Link zur Publikation

Analysis and Geometry on Graphs and Manifolds

Autoren: Matthias Keller, Daniel Lenz, Radoslaw Wojciechowski (2020)

The interplay of geometry, spectral theory and stochastics has a long and fruitful history, and is the driving force behind many developments in modern mathematics. Bringing together contributions from a 2017 conference at the University of Potsdam, this volume focuses on global effects of local properties. Exploring the similarities and differences between the discrete and the continuous settings is of great interest to both researchers and graduate students in geometric analysis. The range of survey articles presented in this volume give an expository overview of various topics, including curvature, the effects of geometry on the spectrum, geometric group theory, and spectral theory of Laplacian and Schrödinger operators. Also included are shorter articles focusing on specific techniques and problems, allowing the reader to get to the heart of several key topics.

London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series
Cambridge University Press

2020 | Magnetic sparseness and Schrödinger operators on graphs | Michel Bonnefont, Sylvain Golénia, Matthias Keller, Shiping Liu, Florentin MünchZeitschrift: Annales Henri Poincaré volumeSeiten: pages1489–1516Band: 21Link zur Publikation , Link zum Preprint

Magnetic sparseness and Schrödinger operators on graphs

Autoren: Michel Bonnefont, Sylvain Golénia, Matthias Keller, Shiping Liu, Florentin Münch (2020)

We study magnetic Schrödinger operators on graphs. We extend the notion of sparseness of graphs by including a magnetic quantity called the frustration index. This notion of magnetic-sparseness turns out to be equivalent to the fact that the form domain is an 2 space. As a consequence, we get criteria of discreteness for the spectrum and eigenvalue asymptotics.

Annales Henri Poincaré volume

2020 | Courant's Nodal Domain Theorem for Positivity Preserving Forms | Matthias Keller, Michael SchwarzZeitschrift: Journal of Spectral TheorySeiten: 271–309Band: 10Link zur Publikation , Link zum Preprint

Courant's Nodal Domain Theorem for Positivity Preserving Forms

Autoren: Matthias Keller, Michael Schwarz (2020)

We introduce a notion of nodal domains for positivity preserving forms. This notion generalizes the classical ones for Laplacians on domains and on graphs. We prove the Courant nodal domain theorem in this generalized setting using purely analytical methods.

Journal of Spectral Theory

2020 | Criticality theory for Schrödinger operators on graphs | Matthias Keller, Yehuda Pinchover, Felix PogorzelskiZeitschrift: Journal of Spectral TheorySeiten: 73-114Band: 10Link zur Publikation , Link zum Preprint

Criticality theory for Schrödinger operators on graphs

Autoren: Matthias Keller, Yehuda Pinchover, Felix Pogorzelski (2020)

We study Schrödinger operators given by positive quadratic forms on infinite graphs. From there, we develop a criticality theory for Schrödinger operators on general weighted graphs.

Journal of Spectral Theory

2019 | Boundary representation of Dirichlet forms on discrete spaces | Matthias Keller, Daniel Lenz, Marcel Schmidt, Michael SchwarzZeitschrift: Journal de Mathématique Pure et AppliquéeSeiten: 109-143Band: 126Link zur Publikation , Link zum Preprint

Boundary representation of Dirichlet forms on discrete spaces

Autoren: Matthias Keller, Daniel Lenz, Marcel Schmidt, Michael Schwarz (2019)

We describe the set of all Dirichlet forms associated to a given infinitegraphin terms of Dirichlet forms on its Royden boundary. Our approach is purely analyticaland uses form methods.

Journal de Mathématique Pure et Appliquée

2019 | A new discrete Hopf-Rinow theorem | Matthias Keller, Florentin MünchZeitschrift: Discrete MathematicsSeiten: 2751-2757Band: 342Link zur Publikation , Link zum Preprint

A new discrete Hopf-Rinow theorem

Autoren: Matthias Keller, Florentin Münch (2019)

We prove a version of the Hopf–Rinow theorem with respect to path metrics on discrete spaces. The novel aspect is that we do not a priori assume local finiteness but isolate a local finiteness type condition, called essentially locally finite, that is indeed necessary. As a side product we identify the maximal weight, called the geodesic weight, generating the path metric in the situation when the space is complete with respect to any of the equivalent notions of completeness proven in the Hopf–Rinow theorem. As an application we characterize the graphs for which the resistance metric is a path metric induced by the graph structure.

Discrete Mathematics

2018 | Scattering the Geometry of Weighted Graphs | Güneysu, Batu; Keller, MatthiasZeitschrift: Math. Phys. Anal. Geom.Seiten: 21-28Band: 21Link zur Publikation , Link zum Preprint

Scattering the Geometry of Weighted Graphs

Autoren: Güneysu, Batu; Keller, Matthias (2018)

Given two weighted graphs (X, bk, mk), k = 1,2 with b1b2 and m1m2, we prove a weighted L1-criterion for the existence and completeness of the wave operators W±(H2, H1, I1,2), where Hk denotes the natural Laplacian in 2(X, mk) w.r.t. (X, bk, mk) and I1,2 the trivial identification of 2(X, m1) with 2(X, m2). In particular, this entails a general criterion for the absolutely continuous spectra of H1 and H2 to be equal.

Math. Phys. Anal. Geom.

2018 | Optimal Hardy inequalities for Schrödinger operators on graphs | Keller, Matthias; Pinchover, Yehuda; Pogorzelski, FelixZeitschrift: Comm. Math. Phys.Seiten: 767–790Band: 358Link zur Publikation , Link zum Preprint

Optimal Hardy inequalities for Schrödinger operators on graphs

Autoren: Keller, Matthias; Pinchover, Yehuda; Pogorzelski, Felix (2018)

For a given subcritical discrete Schr\"odinger operator $H$ on a  weighted infinite graph $X$, we construct a Hardy-weight $w$ which is in the following sense. The operator $H - \lambda w$ is subcritical in $X$ for all $\lambda < 1$, null-critical in $X$ for $\lambda = 1$, and supercritical near any neighborhood of infinity in $X$ for any $\lambda > 1$.  Our results rely on a criticality theory for Schr\"odinger operators on general weighted graphs.

Comm. Math. Phys.

2018 | The Kazdan-Warner equation on canonically compactifiable graphs | Keller, Matthias; Schwarz, MichaelZeitschrift: Calc. Var. Partial Differential EquationsSeiten: 18 pp.Band: 57Link zur Publikation , Link zum Preprint ,

The Kazdan-Warner equation on canonically compactifiable graphs

Autoren: Keller, Matthias; Schwarz, Michael (2018)

We study the Kazdan-Warner equation on canonically compactifiable graphs. These graphs are distinguished as analytic properties of Laplacians on these graphs carry a strong resemblance to Laplacians on open pre-compact manifolds.

Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations
18 pp.

2018 | An improved discrete Hardy inequality | Matthias Keller, Yehuda Pinchover, Felix PogorzelskiZeitschrift: American Mathematics MonthlySeiten: 347–350Band: 125Link zur Publikation , Link zum Preprint

An improved discrete Hardy inequality

Autoren: Matthias Keller, Yehuda Pinchover, Felix Pogorzelski (2018)

We improve the classical discrete Hardy inequality


where <nobr>n=1</nobr> is any sequence of non-negative real numbers.

American Mathematics Monthly

2017 | Sectional curvature of polygonal complexes with planar substructures | Matthias Keller, Norbert Peyerimhoff, Felix PogorzelskiZeitschrift: Advances in MathematicsSeiten: 1070--1107.Band: 307Link zur Publikation , Link zum Preprint

Sectional curvature of polygonal complexes with planar substructures

Autoren: Matthias Keller, Norbert Peyerimhoff, Felix Pogorzelski (2017)

In this paper we introduce a class of polygonal complexes for which we can define a notion of sectional combinatorial curvature. These complexes can be viewed as generalizations of 2-dimensional Euclidean and hyperbolic buildings. We focus on the case of non-positive and negative combinatorial curvature. As geometric results we obtain a Hadamard-Cartan type theorem, thinness of bigons, Gromov hyperbolicity and estimates for the Cheeger constant. We employ the latter to get spectral estimates, show discreteness of the spectrum in the sense of a Donnelly-Li type theorem and present corresponding eigenvalue asymptotics. Moreover, we prove a unique continuation theorem for eigenfunctions and the solvability of the Dirichlet problem at infinity.

Advances in Mathematics

2017 | Global properties of Dirichlet forms in terms of Green's formula | aeseler, Sebastian; Keller, Matthias; Lenz, Daniel; Masamune, Jun; Schmidt, Marcel;Zeitschrift: Calc. Var. Partial Differential EquationsSeiten: 56-124.Band: 56Link zum Preprint

Global properties of Dirichlet forms in terms of Green's formula

Autoren: aeseler, Sebastian; Keller, Matthias; Lenz, Daniel; Masamune, Jun; Schmidt, Marcel; (2017)

Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations

2017 | Geometric and spectral consequences of curvature bounds on tessellations | Matthias KellerReihe: Lecture Notes in MathematicsVerlag: SpringerBuchtitel: Modern Approaches to Discrete CurvatureBand: 2184Link zur Publikation , Link zum Preprint

Geometric and spectral consequences of curvature bounds on tessellations

Autoren: Matthias Keller (2017)

Lecture Notes in Mathematics
Modern Approaches to Discrete Curvature

2016 | Note on uniformly transient graphs | Matthias Keller, Daniel Lenz, Marcel Schmidt, Radosław K. WojciechowskiZeitschrift: Revista IberoamericanaSeiten: 831–860Band: 33Link zur Publikation , Link zum Preprint

Note on uniformly transient graphs

Autoren: Matthias Keller, Daniel Lenz, Marcel Schmidt, Radosław K. Wojciechowski (2016)

We study a special class of graphs with a strong transience feature called uniform transience. We characterize uniform transience via a Feller-type property and via validity of an isoperimetric inequality. We then give a further characterization via equality of the Royden boundary and the harmonic boundary and show that the Dirichlet problem has a unique solution for such graphs. The Markov semigroups and resolvents (with Dirichlet boundary conditions) on these graphs are shown to be ultracontractive. Moreover, if the underlying measure is finite, the semigroups and resolvents are trace class and their generators have $\ell^p$ independent pure point spectra (for $1 \leq p \leq \infty$). Examples of uniformly transient graphs include Cayley graphs of hyperbolic groups as well as trees and Euclidean lattices of dimension at least three. As a surprising consequence, the Royden compactification of such lattices turns out to be the one-point compacitifcation and the Laplacians of such lattices have pure point spectrum if the underlying measure is chosen to be finite.

Revista Iberoamericana

2016 | Note on short time behavior of semigroups associated to selfadjoint operators | Matthias Keller, Daniel Lenz, Florentin Münch, Marcel Schmidt, Andras TelcsZeitschrift: Bullettin of the London Mathematical Society, to appearLink zum Preprint

Note on short time behavior of semigroups associated to selfadjoint operators

Autoren: Matthias Keller, Daniel Lenz, Florentin Münch, Marcel Schmidt, Andras Telcs (2016)

We present a simple observation showing that the heat kernel on a locally finite graph behaves for short times $t$ roughly like $t^d$, where $d$ is the combinatorial distance. This is very different from the classical Varadhan type behavior on manifolds. Moreover, this also gives that short time behavior and global behavior of the heat kernel are governed by two different metrics whenever the degree of the graph is not uniformly bounded.

Bullettin of the London Mathematical Society, to appear

2016 | General Cheeger inequalities for p-Laplacians on graphs | Matthias Keller, Delio MugnoloZeitschrift: Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & ApplicationsSeiten: 80–95Band: 147Link zur Publikation , Link zum Preprint

General Cheeger inequalities for p-Laplacians on graphs

Autoren: Matthias Keller, Delio Mugnolo (2016)

We prove Cheeger inequalities for p-Laplacians on finite and infinite weighted graphs. Unlike in previous works, we do not impose boundedness of the vertex degree, nor do we restrict ourselves to the normalized Laplacian and, more generally, we do not impose any boundedness assumption on the geometry. This is achieved by a novel definition of the measure of the boundary which is using the idea of intrinsic metrics. For the non-normalized case, our bounds on the spectral gap of p-Laplacians are already significantly better for finite graphs and for infinite graphs they yield non-trivial bounds even in the case of unbounded vertex degree. We, furthermore, give upper bounds by the Cheeger constant and by the exponential volume growth of distance balls.

Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications

2016 | A Feynman–Kac–Itô formula for magnetic Schrödinger operators on graphs | Batu Güneysu, Matthias Keller, Marcel SchmidtZeitschrift: Probability Theory and Related FieldsSeiten: 365-399Band: 165Link zur Publikation , Link zum Preprint

A Feynman–Kac–Itô formula for magnetic Schrödinger operators on graphs

Autoren: Batu Güneysu, Matthias Keller, Marcel Schmidt (2016)

In this paper we prove a Feynman–Kac–Itô formula for magnetic Schrödinger operators on arbitrary weighted graphs. To do so, we have to provide a natural and general framework both on the operator theoretic and the probabilistic side of the equation. On the operator side we identify a very general class of potentials that allows the definition of magnetic Schrödinger operators. On the probabilistic side, we introduce an appropriate notion of stochastic line integrals with respect to magnetic potentials. Apart from linking the world of discrete magnetic operators with the probabilistic world through the Feynman–Kac–Itô formula, the insights from this paper gained on both sides should be of an independent interest. As applications of the Feynman–Kac–Itô formula, we prove a Kato inequality, a Golden–Thompson inequality and an explicit representation of the quadratic form domains corresponding to a large class of potentials.

Probability Theory and Related Fields

2015 | Geometry and spectrum of rapidly branching graphs | Matthias Keller, Felix Pogorzelski, Florentin MünchZeitschrift: Mathematische NachrichtenSeiten: 1636–1647Band: 289Link zur Publikation , Link zum Preprint

Geometry and spectrum of rapidly branching graphs

Autoren: Matthias Keller, Felix Pogorzelski, Florentin Münch (2015)

We study graphs whose vertex degree tends and which are, therefore, called rapidly branching. We prove spectral estimates, discreteness of spectrum, first order eigenvalue and Weyl asymptotics solely in terms of the vertex degree growth. The underlying techniques are estimates on the isoperimetric constant. Furthermore, we give lower volume growth bounds and we provide a new criterion for stochastic incompleteness.

Mathematische Nachrichten

2015 | Cheeger inequalities for unbounded graph Laplacians | Frank Bauer, Matthias Keller, Radoslaw WojciechowskiZeitschrift: Journal of the European Mathematical SocietySeiten: 259–271Band: 17Link zur Publikation , Link zum Preprint

Cheeger inequalities for unbounded graph Laplacians

Autoren: Frank Bauer, Matthias Keller, Radoslaw Wojciechowski (2015)

We use the concept of intrinsic metrics to give a new definition for an isoperimetric constant of a graph. We use this novel isoperimetric constant to prove a Cheeger-type estimate for the bottom of the spectrum which is nontrivial even if the vertex degrees are unbounded.

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

2015 | Eigenvalue asymptotics for Schrödinger operators on sparse graphs | Michel Bonnefont, Sylvain Golénia, Matthias KellerZeitschrift: Annales de l'Institut FourierSeiten: 1969-1998Band: 65Link zur Publikation , Link zum Preprint

Eigenvalue asymptotics for Schrödinger operators on sparse graphs

Autoren: Michel Bonnefont, Sylvain Golénia, Matthias Keller (2015)

We consider Schrödinger operators on sparse graphs. The geometric definition of sparseness turn out to be equivalent to a functional inequality for the Laplacian. In consequence, sparseness has in turn strong spectral and functional analytic consequences. Specifically, one consequence is that it allows to completely describe the form domain. Moreover, as another consequence it leads to a characterization for discreteness of the spectrum. In this case we determine the first order of the corresponding eigenvalue asymptotics.

Annales de l'Institut Fourier

2015 | Diffussion determines the recurrent graph | Matthias Keller, Daniel Lenz, Marcel Schmidt, Melchior WirthZeitschrift: Advances in MathematicsSeiten: 364–398Band: 269Link zur Publikation , Link zum Preprint

Diffussion determines the recurrent graph

Autoren: Matthias Keller, Daniel Lenz, Marcel Schmidt, Melchior Wirth (2015)

We consider diffusion on discrete measure spaces as encoded by Markovian semigroups arising from weighted graphs. We study whether the graph is uniquely determined if the diffusion is given up to order isomorphism. If the graph is recurrent then the complete graph structure and the measure space are determined (up to an overall scaling). As shown by counterexamples this result is optimal. Without the recurrence assumption, the graph still turns out to be determined in the case of normalized diffusion on graphs with standard weights and in the case of arbitrary graphs over spaces in which each point has the same mass. These investigations provide discrete counterparts to studies of diffusion on Euclidean domains and manifolds initiated by Arendt and continued by Arendt/Biegert/ter Elst and Arendt/ter Elst. A crucial step in our considerations shows that order isomorphisms are actually unitary maps (up to a scaling) in our context.

Advances in Mathematics

2015 | Graphs of finite measure | Agelos Georgakopoulos, Sebastian Haeseler, Matthias Keller, Daniel Lenz, Radosław WojciechowskiZeitschrift: Journal de Mathématiques Pures et AppliquéesSeiten: 1093–1131Band: 103Link zur Publikation , Link zum Preprint

Graphs of finite measure

Autoren: Agelos Georgakopoulos, Sebastian Haeseler, Matthias Keller, Daniel Lenz, Radosław Wojciechowski (2015)

We consider weighted graphs with an infinite set of vertices. We show that boundedness of all functions of finite energy can be seen as a notion of ‘relative compactness’ for such graphs and study sufficient and necessary conditions for this property in terms of various metrics. We then equip graphs satisfying this property with a finite measure and investigate the associated Laplacian and its semigroup. In this context, our results include the trace class property for the semigroup, uniqueness and existence of solutions to the Dirichlet Problem with boundary arising from the natural compactification, an explicit description of the domain of the Dirichlet Laplacian, convergence of the heat semigroup for large times as well as stochastic incompleteness and transience of the corresponding random walk in continuous time.

Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées

2015 | Intrinsic Metrics on Graphs: A Survey | Matthias KellerReihe: Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & StatisticsVerlag: SpringerBuchtitel: Mathematical Technology of NetworksSeiten: 81-119Band: 128

Intrinsic Metrics on Graphs: A Survey

Autoren: Matthias Keller (2015)

A few years ago various disparities for Laplacians on graphs and manifolds were discovered. The corresponding results are mostly related to volume growth in the context of unbounded geometry. Indeed, these disparities can now be resolved by using so called intrinsic metrics instead of the combinatorial graph distance. In this article we give an introduction to this topic and survey recent results in this direction. Specifically, we cover topics such as Liouville type theorems for harmonic functions, essential selfadjointness, stochastic completeness and upper escape rates. Furthermore, we determine the spectrum as a set via solutions, discuss upper and lower spectral bounds by isoperimetric constants and volume growth and study p-independence of spectra under a volume growth assumption.

Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics
Mathematical Technology of Networks

2015 | An invitation to trees of finite cone type: random and deterministic operators | Matthias Keller, Daniel Lenz, Simone WarzelZeitschrift: Markov Processes and Related FileldsSeiten: 557-574Band: 21Link zur Publikation , Link zum Preprint

An invitation to trees of finite cone type: random and deterministic operators

Autoren: Matthias Keller, Daniel Lenz, Simone Warzel (2015)

Trees of finite cone type have appeared in various contexts. In particular, they come up as simplified models of regular tessellations of the hyperbolic plane. The spectral theory of the associated Laplacians can thus be seen as induced by geometry. Here we give an introduction focusing on background and then turn to recent results for (random) perturbations of trees of finite cone type and their spectral theory.

Markov Processes and Related Filelds

2013 | On the l^p spectrum of Laplacians on graphs | Frank Bauer, Bobo Hua, Matthias KellerZeitschrift: Advances in MathematicsSeiten: 717–735Band: 248Link zur Publikation , Link zum Preprint

On the l^p spectrum of Laplacians on graphs

Autoren: Frank Bauer, Bobo Hua, Matthias Keller (2013)

We study the p-independence of spectra of Laplace operators on graphs arising from regular Dirichlet forms on discrete spaces. Here, a sufficient criterion is given solely by a uniform subexponential growth condition. Moreover, under a mild assumption on the measure we show a one-sided spectral inclusion without any further assumptions. We study applications to normalized Laplacians including symmetries of the spectrum and a characterization for positivity of the Cheeger constant. Furthermore, we consider Laplacians on planar tessellations for which we relate the spectral p-independence to assumptions on the curvature.

Advances in Mathematics

2013 | Harmonic functions of general graph Laplacians | Bobo Hua, Matthias KellerZeitschrift: Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential EquationsSeiten: 343-362Band: 51Link zur Publikation , Link zum Preprint

Harmonic functions of general graph Laplacians

Autoren: Bobo Hua, Matthias Keller (2013)

We study harmonic functions on general weighted graphs which allow for a compatible intrinsic metric. We prove an \(L^\) Liouville type theorem which is a quantitative integral \(L^\) estimate of harmonic functions analogous to Karp’s theorem for Riemannian manifolds. As corollaries we obtain Yau’s \(L^\)-Liouville type theorem on graphs, identify the domain of the generator of the semigroup on \(L^\) and get a criterion for recurrence. As a side product, we show an analogue of Yau’s \(L^\) Caccioppoli inequality. Furthermore, we derive various Liouville type results for harmonic functions on graphs and harmonic maps from graphs into Hadamard spaces.

Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations

2013 | Volume growth and bounds for the essential spectrum for Dirichlet forms | Sebastian Haeseler, Matthias Keller, Radoslaw WojciechowskiZeitschrift: Journal of the London Mathematical SocietySeiten: 883-898Band: 88Link zur Publikation , Link zum Preprint

Volume growth and bounds for the essential spectrum for Dirichlet forms

Autoren: Sebastian Haeseler, Matthias Keller, Radoslaw Wojciechowski (2013)

We consider operators arising from regular Dirichlet forms with vanishing killing term. We give bounds for the bottom of the (essential) spectrum in terms of exponential volume growth with respect to an intrinsic metric. As special cases, we discuss operators on graphs. When the volume growth is measured in the natural graph distance (which is not an intrinsic metric), we discuss the threshold for positivity of the bottom of the spectrum and finiteness of the bottom of the essential spectrum of the (unbounded) graph Laplacian. This threshold is shown to lie at cubic polynomial growth.

Journal of the London Mathematical Society

2013 | Spectral Analysis of Certain Spherically Homogeneous Graphs | Jonathan Breuer, Matthias KellerZeitschrift: Operators and MatricesSeiten: 825-847Band: 7Link zur Publikation , Link zum Preprint

Spectral Analysis of Certain Spherically Homogeneous Graphs

Autoren: Jonathan Breuer, Matthias Keller (2013)

We study operators on rooted graphs with a certain spherical homogeneity. These graphs are called path commuting and allow for a decomposition of the adjacency matrix and the Laplacian into a direct sum of Jacobi matrices which reflect the structure of the graph. Thus, the spectral properties of the adjacency matrix and the Laplacian can be analyzed by means of the elaborated theory of Jacobi matrices. For some examples which include antitrees, we derive the decomposition explicitly and present a zoo of spectral behavior induced by the geometry of the graph. In particular, these examples show that spectral types are not at all stable under rough isometries.

Operators and Matrices

2013 | A note on self-adjoint extensions of the Laplacian on weighted graphs | Xueping Huang, Matthias Keller, Jun Masamune, Radoslaw WojciechowskiZeitschrift: Journal of Functional AnalysisSeiten: 1556-1578Band: 265Link zur Publikation , Link zum Preprint

A note on self-adjoint extensions of the Laplacian on weighted graphs

Autoren: Xueping Huang, Matthias Keller, Jun Masamune, Radoslaw Wojciechowski (2013)

We study the uniqueness of self-adjoint and Markovian exten

sions of the Laplacian

on weighted graphs. We first show that, for locally finite grap

hs and a certain family of metrics,

completeness of the graph implies uniqueness of these exten

sions. Moreover, in the case when the

graph is not metrically complete and the Cauchy boundary has

finite capacity, we characterize

the uniqueness of the Markovian extensions

Journal of Functional Analysis

2013 | On the spectral theory of trees with finite cone type | Matthias Keller, Daniel Lenz, Simone WarzelZeitschrift: Israel Journal of MathematicsSeiten: 107-135Band: 194Link zur Publikation , Link zum Preprint

On the spectral theory of trees with finite cone type

Autoren: Matthias Keller, Daniel Lenz, Simone Warzel (2013)

We study basic spectral features of graph Laplacians associated with a class of rooted trees which contains all regular trees. Trees in this class can be generated by substitution processes. Their spectra are shown to be purely absolutely continuous and to consist of finitely many bands. The main result gives stability of the absolutely continuous spectrum under sufficiently small radially label symmetric perturbations for non-regular trees in this class. In sharp contrast, the absolutely continuous spectrum can be completely destroyed by arbitrary small radially label symmetric perturbations for regular trees in this class.

Israel Journal of Mathematics

2012 | Absolutely continuous spectrum for multi-type Galton Watson trees | Matthias KellerZeitschrift: Annales Henri PoincaréSeiten: 1745-1766Band: 13Link zur Publikation , Link zum Preprint

Absolutely continuous spectrum for multi-type Galton Watson trees

Autoren: Matthias Keller (2012)

We consider multi-type Galton Watson trees that are close to a tree of finite cone type in distribution. Moreover, we impose that each vertex has at least one forward neighbor. Then, we show that the spectrum of the Laplace operator exhibits almost surely a purely absolutely continuous component which is included in the absolutely continuous spectrum of the tree of finite cone type.

Annales Henri Poincaré

2012 | Laplacians on infinite graphs: Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions | Sebastian Haeseler, Matthias Keller, Daniel Lenz, Radoslaw WojciechowskiZeitschrift: Journal of Spectral theorySeiten: 397-432Band: 2Link zur Publikation , Link zum Preprint

Laplacians on infinite graphs: Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions

Autoren: Sebastian Haeseler, Matthias Keller, Daniel Lenz, Radoslaw Wojciechowski (2012)

We study Laplacians associated to a graph and single out a class of such operators with special regularity properties. In the case of locally finite graphs, this class consists of all selfadjoint, non-negative restrictions of the standard formal Laplacian and we can characterize the Dirichlet and Neumann Laplacians as the largest and smallest Markovian restrictions of the standard formal Laplacian. In the case of general graphs, this class contains the Dirichlet and Neumann Laplacians and we describe howthesemay differ fromeach other, characterize when they agree, and study connections to essential selfadjointness and stochastic completeness.

Finally, we study basic common features of all Laplacians associated to a graph. In particular, we characterize when the associated semigroup is positivity improving and present some basic estimates on its long term behavior. We also discuss some situations in which the Laplacian associated to a graph is unique and, in this context, characterize its boundedness.

Journal of Spectral theory

2012 | Absolutely continuous spectrum for random operators on trees of finite cone type | Matthias Keller, Daniel Lenz, Simone WarzelZeitschrift: Journal d'Analyse MathematiqueSeiten: 363-396.Band: 118Link zur Publikation , Link zum Preprint

Absolutely continuous spectrum for random operators on trees of finite cone type

Autoren: Matthias Keller, Daniel Lenz, Simone Warzel (2012)

We study the spectrum of random operators on a large class of trees. These trees have finitely many cone types and they can be constructed by a substitution rule. The random operators are perturbations of Laplace type operators either by random potentials or by random hopping terms, i.e., perturbations of the off-diagonal elements. We prove stability of arbitrary large parts of the absolutely continuous spectrum for sufficiently small but extensive disorder.

Journal d'Analyse Mathematique

2012 | Dirichlet forms and stochastic completeness of graphs and subgraphs | Matthias Keller, Daniel LenzZeitschrift: Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelle's Journal)Seiten: 189-223Band: 2012Link zur Publikation , Link zum Preprint

Dirichlet forms and stochastic completeness of graphs and subgraphs

Autoren: Matthias Keller, Daniel Lenz (2012)

We study Laplacians on graphs and networks via regular Dirichlet forms. We give a sufficient geometric condition for essential selfadjointness and explicitly determine the generators of the associated semigroups on all ℓp, 1 ≦ p < ∞, in this case. We characterize stochastic completeness thereby generalizing all earlier corresponding results for graph Laplacians. Finally, we study how stochastic completeness of a subgraph is related to stochastic completeness of the whole graph.

Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelle's Journal)

2011 | Generalized solutions and spectrum for Dirichlet forms on graphs | Sebastian Haeseler, Matthias KellerReihe: Progress in ProbabilityVerlag: BirkhäuserBuchtitel: Random Walks, Boundaries and SpectraSeiten: 181-201Link zur Publikation , Link zum Preprint

Generalized solutions and spectrum for Dirichlet forms on graphs

Autoren: Sebastian Haeseler, Matthias Keller (2011)

In the framework of regular Dirichlet forms we consider operators on infinite graphs. We study the connection of the existence of solutions with certain properties and the spectrum of the operators. In particular we prove a version of the Allegretto-Piepenbrink theorem which says that positive (super)-solutions to a generalized eigenvalue equation exist exactly for energies not exceeding the infimum of the spectrum. Moreover we show a version of Shnol’s theorem, which says that existence of solutions satisfying a growth condition with respect to a given boundary measure implies that the corresponding energy is in the spectrum.

Progress in Probability
Random Walks, Boundaries and Spectra

2011 | Curvature, geometry and spectral properties of planar graphs | Matthias KellerZeitschrift: Discrete & Computational GeometrySeiten: 500-525Band: 46Link zur Publikation , Link zum Preprint

Curvature, geometry and spectral properties of planar graphs

Autoren: Matthias Keller (2011)

We introduce a curvature function for planar graphs to study the connection between the curvature and the geometric and spectral properties of the graph. We show that non-positive curvature implies that the graph is infinite and locally similar to a tessellation. We use this to extend several results known for tessellations to general planar graphs. For non-positive curvature, we show that the graph admits no cut locus and we give a description of the boundary structure of distance balls. For negative curvature, we prove that the interiors of minimal bigons are empty and derive explicit bounds for the growth of distance balls and Cheeger’s constant. The latter are used to obtain lower bounds for the bottom of the spectrum of the discrete Laplace operator. Moreover, we give a characterization for triviality of the essential spectrum by uniform decrease of the curvature. Finally, we show that non-positive curvature implies the absence of finitely supported eigenfunctions for nearest neighbor operators.

Discrete & Computational Geometry

2011 | Cheeger constants, growth and spectrum of locally tessellating planar graphs (with Norbert Peyerimhoff), | Matthias Keller, Norbert PeyerimhoffZeitschrift: Mathematische ZeitschriftSeiten: 871-886Band: 268Link zur Publikation , Link zum Preprint

Cheeger constants, growth and spectrum of locally tessellating planar graphs (with Norbert Peyerimhoff),

Autoren: Matthias Keller, Norbert Peyerimhoff (2011)

In this article, we study relations between the local geometry of planar graphs (combinatorial curvature) and global geometric invariants, namely the Cheeger constants and the exponential growth. We also discuss spectral applications.

Mathematische Zeitschrift

2010 | Unbounded Laplacians on Graphs: Basic Spectral Properties and the Heat Equation | Matthias Keller, Daniel LenzZeitschrift: Mathematical Modeling of Natural PhenomenaBuchtitel: "Spectral Problems"Seiten: 198-204Band: 5Link zur Publikation , Link zum Preprint

Unbounded Laplacians on Graphs: Basic Spectral Properties and the Heat Equation

Autoren: Matthias Keller, Daniel Lenz (2010)

We discuss Laplacians on graphs in a framework of regular Dirichlet forms. We focus on phenomena related to unboundedness of the Laplacians. This includes (failure of) essential selfadjointness, absence of essential spectrum and stochastic incompleteness.

Mathematical Modeling of Natural Phenomena
"Spectral Problems"

2010 | The essential spectrum of the Laplacian on rapidly branching tessellations | Matthias KellerZeitschrift: Mathematische AnnalenSeiten: 51-66Band: 346Link zur Publikation , Link zum Preprint

The essential spectrum of the Laplacian on rapidly branching tessellations

Autoren: Matthias Keller (2010)

In this paper, we characterize absence of the essential spectrum of the Laplacian under a hyperbolicity assumption for general graphs. Moreover, we present a characterization for absence of the essential spectrum for planar tessellations in terms of curvature.

Mathematische Annalen

0 | On the uniqueness class, stochastic completeness and volume growth for graphs | Xueping Huang, Matthias Keller and Marcel SchmidtZeitschrift: Transactions of the American Mathematical SocietySeiten: 8861-8884.Band: 373Link zur Publikation , Link zum Preprint

On the uniqueness class, stochastic completeness and volume growth for graphs

Autoren: Xueping Huang, Matthias Keller and Marcel Schmidt

In this note we prove an optimal volume growth condition for stochastic completeness of graphs under very mild assumptions. This is realized by proving a uniqueness class criterion for the heat equation which is an analogue to a corresponding result of Grigor’yan on manifolds. This uniqueness class criterion is shown to hold for graphs that we call globally local, i.e., graphs where we control the jump size far outside. The transfer from general graphs to globally local graphs is then carried out via so-called refinements.

Transactions of the American Mathematical Society

0 | A note on eigenvalue bounds for non-compact manifolds | Matthias Keller, Shiping Liu, Norbert PeyerimhoffZeitschrift: Mathematische NachrichtenSeiten: 1134-1139Band: 294Link zur Publikation , Link zum Preprint

A note on eigenvalue bounds for non-compact manifolds

Autoren: Matthias Keller, Shiping Liu, Norbert Peyerimhoff

In this article we prove upper bounds for the Laplace eigenvalues below the essential spectrum for strictly negatively curved Cartan–Hadamard manifolds. Our bound is given in terms of k2 and specific geometric data of the manifold. This applies also to the particular case of non-compact manifolds whose sectional curvature tends to , where no essential spectrum is present due to a theorem of Donnelly/Li. The result stands in clear contrast to Laplacians on graphs where such a bound fails to be true in general.

Mathematische Nachrichten


CV in english, CV in deutsch


University of Potsdam since 10/2015 Professor

Technion Haifa 03-07/2019 Visiting Associate Professor, 02-03/2015 Visiting Assistant Professor

Hebrew University Jerusalem  10/2012-09/2013 and 02-06/2011 Post-Doc

Friedrich Schiller University Jena 10/2008-09/2015 Post-Doc and PhD Student

Princeton University 10/2007-05/2008 Visiting Student/Research Collaborator

TU Chemnitz 07/2006-09/2008 PhD Student



Habilitation 05/2015, Friedrich Schiller University Jena

PhD 12/2010, Friedrich Schiller University Jena

Diploma 06/2006, TU Chemnitz


Grants and Projects

DFG Project within the priority programme "Geometry at infinity" "Laplacians, metrics and boundaries of simplicial complexes and Dirichlet spaces" (joint with D. Lenz and M. Schmidt) since 06/2020

DFG Project"Hardy inequalities on graphs and Dirichlet spaces" (joint with Y. Pinchover and F. Pogorzelski) since 05/2019

DFG Project"Boundaries, Greens formulae and  harmonic functions for graphs and Dirichlet spaces - follow up" (joint with D. Lenz and M. Schmidt) since 02/2018

DFG Project within the priority programme "Geometry at infinity" "Boundaries, Greens formulae and  harmonic functions for graphs and Dirichlet spaces" (joint with D. Lenz) since 06/2017

Programme to support junior researchers in obtaining third-party funding, Line A  (Advanced), 09/2014-09/2015

Golda Meir Fellowship 10/2012 - 09/2013

Short visit grant ESF 07/2012

DFG Project "Geometry of discrete spaces and spectral theory of non-local operators" (joint with D. Lenz) since 07/2012

PhD Fellowship Klaus Murmann Foundation (sdw)  07/2007 - 06/2010

Selected Talks

May 2021, Probability and Analysis 2021, From Hardy to Rellich inequalities and Agmon estimates on graphs.

October 2019, Oberwolfach Mini-Workshop Self-adjoint Extensions in New Settings, Dirichlet forms and boundaries of graphs II.

September 2019, 6th Najman Conference on Spectral Theory and Differential Equations, Optimal Hardy inequalities on graphs.

June 2019, Geometric aspects of harmonic analysis and spectral theory, Discrete spectrum for graphs, Technion Haifa.

January 2019, Spectral Methods in Mathematical Physics, On optimal Hardy inequalities on graphs, Mittag-Leffler-Institute.

September 2018, Upper curvature bounds and spectral theory, 240 minute course, Summer school Generalized Curvatures GenCurv2018, EPFL Lausanne.

January 2018, Explorations in Geometric Analysis - Discrete and Continuous, A conference in honor of Józef DodziukOn Cheeger’s inequality for graphs (video)

March 2017, TSIMF Sanya China, Curvatures of Graphs, Simplicial Complexes and Metric Spaces Workshop, Sectional curvature of polygonal complexes with planar substructures.

August 2016, Euler Institute St. Petersburg, OTAMP 2016, Optimal Hardy inequalities on graphs.

June 2015,BIRS Banff,Groups, Graphs and Stochastic Processes, 'On the compactification of graphs ... the Royden compactification revisited'

March 2014, Université de Carthage, Bizerte, Tunesia, Cours pour Doctorants, 'L^p Spectrum of Graphs' (lecture notes) and Journée-WorkShop "Géométrie et Analyse sur les Graphes" 'Curvature and Spectrum on Tessellating Graphs'

November 2013, C.I.R.M. Luminy, A colloquium on discrete curvature, 'On the spectral theory of negatively curved planar graphs'

July 2013, LMS - EPSRC Durham Symposium, Graph Theory and Interactions 'On negative curvature and spectrum of graph Laplacians' (Video)

August 2012, Conference Spectral Theory and  Differential Operators at TU Graz, "Volume growth and spectra of Dirichlet forms"

Januar 2012,OberwolfachMini-Workshop: 'Boundary Value Problems and Spectral Geometry', "Curvature and spectrum on graphs"

October 2011, Oberwolfach Workshop 'Correlations and Interactions for Random Quantum Systems', "Absolutely continuous spectrum on trees"

July 2010, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences Cambridge, Workshop on Analysis on Graphs and its Applications, "Absolutely continuous spectrum for trees of finite forward cone type"(Video)

July 2009, St. Kathrein, "Alp-Workshop": "Random trees and absolutely continuous spectrum"


Philipp Bartmann,  Topic on Riesz Transform and Simplicial Complexes, PhD   

Florian Fischer, Existence of certain positive solutions in criticality theory, PhD

Robert Müller, Topic on Gromov hyperbolicity, Bachelor

Marius Nietschmann, Topic on the fractional Laplacian, Bachelor

Wiebke Hanl, Graphs, Markov Processes and Markov Semigroups, Bachelor



Jonas Grünberg, Mean Field Equation on Canonically Compactifiable Graphs, Bachelor 2020

Matti Richter, Harmonic Functions on Graphs with Group Actions, Bachelor 2020.

Michael Schwarz, Nodal Domains and Boundary Representation for Dirichlet Forms, PhD, 2020.

Florentin Münch, Discrete Ricci curvature, diameter bounds and rigidity, PhD, 2019.

Florian Fischer, Riesz Decompositions and Martin Compactification Theory for Schrödinger Operators on Graphs, Master 2018

Christian Scholz, Boundary conditions and resolvent limits of graphs, Master 2017.

Sarah Burchert, The Puisseux expansion, Bachelor 2017.

Katja Ohde, Geometry of rapidly growing graphs, Bachelor 2016.

Florentin Münch, Li-Yau inequalities on finite graphs, Master Jena 2014

Melchior Wirth, Does diusion determine the graph structure?, Bachelor Jena 2013.

Oliver Siebert, Spectra of lamplighter random walks associated with percolation, Bachelor Jena 2013

Florentin Münch, Ultrametrische Cantormengen und Ränder von Bäumen (Ultra metric Cantor sets and boundaries of trees), Bachelor Jena 2012

Ricardo Kalke, Ricci curvature on graphs, Staatsexamen Jena 2012


(Co-)Organized Scientific meetings

Oberwolfach Mini-Workshop, Variable Curvature Bounds, Analysis and Topology on Dirichlet Spaces, with Gilles Carron, Batu Güneysu, Matthias Keller, Kazuhiro Kuwae, December 2021.

Oberwolfach Half-Workshop Geometry, Dynamics and Spectrum of Operators on Discrete Spaces with David Damanik, Houston, Tatiana Nagnibeda, Geneva, Felix Pogorzelski, Leipzig January 2021.

Two Day Workshop, Dirichlet forms on graphs, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, October 2020.

Oberwolfach Mini-Workshop, Recent Progress in Path Integration on Graphs and Manifolds, with Batu Güneysu, Kazumasu Kuwada, Anton Thalmeier, April 2019.

Two Day Workshop, Dirichlet forms on graphs, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, June 2018.

Conference Analysis and Geometry on Graphs and Manifolds, Potsdam University 2017.

Workshop on Discrete Analysis, Fudan University Shanghai, August 2016.

Workshop on Spectral Geometry, University of Potsdam, January 2016.

One Day Workshop 2015 "New Directions in Mathematical Physics and beyond", Jena January 14th 2015 (organized by Gerhard Bräunlich, Matthias Keller, Markus Lange, Marcel Schmidt)

International Conference Fractal Geometry and Stochastics V, in Tabarz, local organizing committee

Geometric aspects in probability and analysis September 14th 2013 in Jena (organized by Matthias Keller, Daniel Lenz and Marcel Schmidt)

One Day Workshop "Schrödingeroperators - December 8th 2011, Friedrich Schiller Universität Jena

Graduate student symposium within the Summer school on "Graphs and spectra" held at the TU Chemnitz in the week 18--23 July 2011, for more information see here

Graduate student symposium September 15-16th 2010, Friedrich Schiller University Jena

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