CV in english, CV in deutsch
University of Potsdam since 10/2015 Professor
Technion Haifa 03-07/2019 Visiting Associate Professor, 02-03/2015 Visiting Assistant Professor
Hebrew University Jerusalem 10/2012-09/2013 and 02-06/2011 Post-Doc
Friedrich Schiller University Jena 10/2008-09/2015 Post-Doc and PhD Student
Princeton University 10/2007-05/2008 Visiting Student/Research Collaborator
TU Chemnitz 07/2006-09/2008 PhD Student
Habilitation 05/2015, Friedrich Schiller University Jena
PhD 12/2010, Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Diploma 06/2006, TU Chemnitz
Grants and Projects
DFG Project within the priority programme "Geometry at infinity" "Laplacians, metrics and boundaries of simplicial complexes and Dirichlet spaces" (joint with D. Lenz and M. Schmidt) since 06/2020
DFG Project"Hardy inequalities on graphs and Dirichlet spaces" (joint with Y. Pinchover and F. Pogorzelski) since 05/2019
DFG Project"Boundaries, Greens formulae and harmonic functions for graphs and Dirichlet spaces - follow up" (joint with D. Lenz and M. Schmidt) since 02/2018
DFG Project within the priority programme "Geometry at infinity" "Boundaries, Greens formulae and harmonic functions for graphs and Dirichlet spaces" (joint with D. Lenz) since 06/2017
Programme to support junior researchers in obtaining third-party funding, Line A (Advanced), 09/2014-09/2015
Golda Meir Fellowship 10/2012 - 09/2013
Short visit grant ESF 07/2012
DFG Project "Geometry of discrete spaces and spectral theory of non-local operators" (joint with D. Lenz) since 07/2012
PhD Fellowship Klaus Murmann Foundation (sdw) 07/2007 - 06/2010
Selected Talks
May 2021, Probability and Analysis 2021, From Hardy to Rellich inequalities and Agmon estimates on graphs.
October 2019, Oberwolfach Mini-Workshop Self-adjoint Extensions in New Settings, Dirichlet forms and boundaries of graphs II.
September 2019, 6th Najman Conference on Spectral Theory and Differential Equations, Optimal Hardy inequalities on graphs.
June 2019, Geometric aspects of harmonic analysis and spectral theory, Discrete spectrum for graphs, Technion Haifa.
January 2019, Spectral Methods in Mathematical Physics, On optimal Hardy inequalities on graphs, Mittag-Leffler-Institute.
September 2018, Upper curvature bounds and spectral theory, 240 minute course, Summer school Generalized Curvatures GenCurv2018, EPFL Lausanne.
January 2018, Explorations in Geometric Analysis - Discrete and Continuous, A conference in honor of Józef Dodziuk, On Cheeger’s inequality for graphs (video)
March 2017, TSIMF Sanya China, Curvatures of Graphs, Simplicial Complexes and Metric Spaces Workshop, Sectional curvature of polygonal complexes with planar substructures.
August 2016, Euler Institute St. Petersburg, OTAMP 2016, Optimal Hardy inequalities on graphs.
June 2015,BIRS Banff,Groups, Graphs and Stochastic Processes, 'On the compactification of graphs ... the Royden compactification revisited'
March 2014, Université de Carthage, Bizerte, Tunesia, Cours pour Doctorants, 'L^p Spectrum of Graphs' (lecture notes) and Journée-WorkShop "Géométrie et Analyse sur les Graphes" 'Curvature and Spectrum on Tessellating Graphs'
November 2013, C.I.R.M. Luminy, A colloquium on discrete curvature, 'On the spectral theory of negatively curved planar graphs'
July 2013, LMS - EPSRC Durham Symposium, Graph Theory and Interactions 'On negative curvature and spectrum of graph Laplacians' (Video)
August 2012, Conference Spectral Theory and Differential Operators at TU Graz, "Volume growth and spectra of Dirichlet forms"
Januar 2012,OberwolfachMini-Workshop: 'Boundary Value Problems and Spectral Geometry', "Curvature and spectrum on graphs"
October 2011, Oberwolfach Workshop 'Correlations and Interactions for Random Quantum Systems', "Absolutely continuous spectrum on trees"
July 2010, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences Cambridge, Workshop on Analysis on Graphs and its Applications, "Absolutely continuous spectrum for trees of finite forward cone type"(Video)
July 2009, St. Kathrein, "Alp-Workshop": "Random trees and absolutely continuous spectrum"
Philipp Bartmann, Topic on Riesz Transform and Simplicial Complexes, PhD
Florian Fischer, Existence of certain positive solutions in criticality theory, PhD
Robert Müller, Topic on Gromov hyperbolicity, Bachelor
Marius Nietschmann, Topic on the fractional Laplacian, Bachelor
Wiebke Hanl, Graphs, Markov Processes and Markov Semigroups, Bachelor
Jonas Grünberg, Mean Field Equation on Canonically Compactifiable Graphs, Bachelor 2020
Matti Richter, Harmonic Functions on Graphs with Group Actions, Bachelor 2020.
Michael Schwarz, Nodal Domains and Boundary Representation for Dirichlet Forms, PhD, 2020.
Florentin Münch, Discrete Ricci curvature, diameter bounds and rigidity, PhD, 2019.
Florian Fischer, Riesz Decompositions and Martin Compactification Theory for Schrödinger Operators on Graphs, Master 2018
Christian Scholz, Boundary conditions and resolvent limits of graphs, Master 2017.
Sarah Burchert, The Puisseux expansion, Bachelor 2017.
Katja Ohde, Geometry of rapidly growing graphs, Bachelor 2016.
Florentin Münch, Li-Yau inequalities on finite graphs, Master Jena 2014
Melchior Wirth, Does diusion determine the graph structure?, Bachelor Jena 2013.
Oliver Siebert, Spectra of lamplighter random walks associated with percolation, Bachelor Jena 2013
Florentin Münch, Ultrametrische Cantormengen und Ränder von Bäumen (Ultra metric Cantor sets and boundaries of trees), Bachelor Jena 2012
Ricardo Kalke, Ricci curvature on graphs, Staatsexamen Jena 2012
(Co-)Organized Scientific meetings
Oberwolfach Mini-Workshop, Variable Curvature Bounds, Analysis and Topology on Dirichlet Spaces, with Gilles Carron, Batu Güneysu, Matthias Keller, Kazuhiro Kuwae, December 2021.
Oberwolfach Half-Workshop, Geometry, Dynamics and Spectrum of Operators on Discrete Spaces with David Damanik, Houston, Tatiana Nagnibeda, Geneva, Felix Pogorzelski, Leipzig January 2021.
Two Day Workshop, Dirichlet forms on graphs, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, October 2020.
Oberwolfach Mini-Workshop, Recent Progress in Path Integration on Graphs and Manifolds, with Batu Güneysu, Kazumasu Kuwada, Anton Thalmeier, April 2019.
Two Day Workshop, Dirichlet forms on graphs, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, June 2018.
Conference Analysis and Geometry on Graphs and Manifolds, Potsdam University 2017.
Workshop on Discrete Analysis, Fudan University Shanghai, August 2016.
Workshop on Spectral Geometry, University of Potsdam, January 2016.
One Day Workshop 2015 "New Directions in Mathematical Physics and beyond", Jena January 14th 2015 (organized by Gerhard Bräunlich, Matthias Keller, Markus Lange, Marcel Schmidt)
International Conference Fractal Geometry and Stochastics V, in Tabarz, local organizing committee
Geometric aspects in probability and analysis September 14th 2013 in Jena (organized by Matthias Keller, Daniel Lenz and Marcel Schmidt)
One Day Workshop "Schrödingeroperators - December 8th 2011, Friedrich Schiller Universität Jena
Graduate student symposium within the Summer school on "Graphs and spectra" held at the TU Chemnitz in the week 18--23 July 2011, for more information see here
Graduate student symposium September 15-16th 2010, Friedrich Schiller University Jena