Dr. Onirban Islam


+49 331 977-1248

2024 | On microlocalization and the construction of Feynman propagators for normally hyperbolic operators | Onirban Islam, Alexander StrohmaierZeitschrift: Communications in Analysis and GeometrySeiten: 1811-1883Band: 32 (7)Link zur Publikation , Link zum Preprint

On microlocalization and the construction of Feynman propagators for normally hyperbolic operators

Autoren: Onirban Islam, Alexander Strohmaier (2024)

This article reviews the microlocal construction of Feynman propagators for normally hyperbolic operators acting on vector bundles over globally hyperbolic spacetimes and its consequences. It is shown that for normally hyperbolic operators that are selfadjoint with respect to a hermitian bundle metric, the Feynman propagators can be constructed to satisfy a positivity property that reflects the existence of Hadamard states in quantum field theory on curved spacetimes. We also give a more direct construction of the Feynman propagator for the Dirac operator on a globally hyperbolic spacetime. Even though the natural bundle metric on spinors is not positive-definite, in this case we can give a direct microlocal construction of a Feynman propagator that satisfies positivity.

Communications in Analysis and Geometry
32 (7)

2023 | A Gutzwiller Trace formula for Dirac Operators on a Stationary Spacetime | Onirban IslamZeitschrift: The Journal of Geometric AnalysisBand: 33: Artikel: 57Link zur Publikation , Link zum Preprint

A Gutzwiller Trace formula for Dirac Operators on a Stationary Spacetime

Autoren: Onirban Islam (2023)

A Duistermaat-Guillemin-Gutzwiller trace formula for Dirac-type operators on a globally hyperbolic spatially compact standard stationary spacetime is achieved by generalising the recent construction by A. Strohmaier and S. Zelditch to a vector bundle setting. We have analysed the spectrum of the Lie derivative with respect to a global timelike Killing vector field on the solution space of the Dirac equation and found that it consists of discrete real eigenvalues. The distributional trace of the time evolution operator has singularities at the periods of induced Killing flow on the space of lightlike geodesics. This gives rise to the Weyl law asymptotic at the vanishing period.

The Journal of Geometric Analysis
33: Artikel: 57

2020 | Relative entanglement entropy of thermal states of Klein-Gordon and Dirac quantum field theories | Onirban IslamLink zum Preprint

Relative entanglement entropy of thermal states of Klein-Gordon and Dirac quantum field theories

Autoren: Onirban Islam (2020)

An upper bound of the relative entanglement entropy of thermal states at an inverse temperature   of linear, massive Klein-Gordon and Dirac quantum field theories across two regions, separated by a nonzero distance  in a Cauchy hypersurface of an ultrastatic (spin-)spacetime has been computed. This entanglement measure is bounded by a negative constant times which signifies power law decay for asymptotic  where the exponent depends on .

2018 | Relative entanglement entropy for widely separated regions in curved spacetime | Stefan Hollands, Onirban Islam, Ko SandersZeitschrift: Journal of Mathematical PhysicsBand: 59Link zur Publikation , Link zum Preprint

Relative entanglement entropy for widely separated regions in curved spacetime

Autoren: Stefan Hollands, Onirban Islam, Ko Sanders (2018)

We give an upper bound of the relative entanglement entropy of the ground state of a massive Dirac-Majorana field across two widely separated regions  and  in a static slice of an ultrastatic Lorentzian spacetime. Our bound decays exponentially in  at a rate set by the Compton wavelength and the spatial scalar curvature. The physical interpretation of our result is that, on a manifold with positive spatial scalar curvature, one cannot use the entanglement of the vacuum state to teleport one classical bit from  to  if their distance is of the order of the maximum of the curvature radius and the Compton wavelength or greater.

Journal of Mathematical Physics
  • Statistics inversion in curved spacetimes, LQP-48: Foundations and Constructive Aspects of QFT (Leipzig, Germany: 8 June 2024)
  • Overview of boundary value problems for Dirac operators, Blockseminar: Rigidity and scalar curvature (Bad Staffelstein, Germany: 1 may 2024)
  • Geometric derivation of the chiral anomaly in curved backgrounds, Hannover-Potsdam mathematical physics seminar (Potsdam, Germany: 31 January 2024)
  • Index theory, Seminar on elliptic boundary value problems at the Humboldt Universität (Berlin, Germany: 30 June and 7 July 2023)
  • Feynman propagators on curved spacetime, ESI thematic programme Spectral Theory and Mathematical Relativity (Vienna, Austria: 29 June 2023)
  • Spectral Asymptotics of Dirac Operators on a Stationary Spacetime, Graduate student seminar at Oklahoma State University (USA: Web 3 April 2023)
  • Feynman Propagators on a Curved Spacetime, Mathematical physics seminar at Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (Erlangen, Germany: 19 January 2023)
  • Feynman propagators for wave-type and for Dirac-type operators on a curved spacetime, AQFTUK (York, UK: 7 July 2022)
  • h-principle for Open Ample Partial Differential Relation, Block Seminar: Convex Integration (Chiemsee, Germany: 4 May 2022)
  • A Gutzwiller trace formula for Dirac operators on a stationary spacetime, Microlocal and Global Analysis, Interactions with Geometry (Potsdam, Germany: Web 24 February, 2022)
  • On the microlocalisation of normally hyperbolic operators, Young Functional Analysts' Workshop (Lanchaster, UK: Web 12 August 2021)
  • Existence of Feynman propagators of a normally hyperbolic operator, London Mathematical Society virtual graduate student meeting (UK: Web 16 November 2020) 
  • Relative entanglement entropy of thermal states in a static spacetime, Hamilton School on Mathematical Physics (Dublin, UK: Web 24 August 2020) 
  • On the construction of Feynman parametrices for a normally hyperbolic operator, LQP-45: Foundations and Constructive Aspects of QFT (Cardiff, UK: Web 18 June 2020) 
  • Entanglement entropy of the Dirac field in a static spacetime, LQP-40: Foundations and Constructive Aspects of QFT (Leipzig, Germany: 24 June 2017)